1 X 250 grams net premium vanilla beans
Vacuum sealed in resealable zip-lock pouch.
Vanilla planifolia - Length: 16 to 22 cm
Moisture: 18 to 25%
Vanillin content: 2.6 to 3.6%
Product of Vanuatu
Gross weight: 265g
Air-mail shipment not included - Please allow ~ 4 weeks for delivery
At harvest the uncured ripe vanilla beans have very little aroma. To create the aroma you must ‘cure’ the beans. Vanilla beans have zero market value unless you cure them – the value of the vanilla is its aroma. Curing is not a drying process – it is a careful process involving fermentation, sweating and slow drying. The main component responsible for the aroma is called ‘vanillin’. The vanilla develops a ‘sugar’ called glucovanillin during the last few days of ripening. During the fermentation process glucovanillin will split into glucose and vanillin. The glucose is the ‘sticky/oily’ component that preserves the vanilla and the vanillin provides the aroma.